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SETOFF Project: Disaster, Risk and Resilience training needs survey

Man-made or natural disasters can cause severe damage to individuals, communities, economies, supply chains, and the environment. Moreover, they may trigger secondary disasters, aggravating initial impacts.

The SETOFF Project (ERASMUS+ Program, 2021-1-EL01-KA220-VET-000033026) aims to improve the readiness and occupational safety of both civil protection and private sector Safety and Security Personnel against future crises and emergencies by developing an innovative e-training curriculum based both on a successfully tested and implemented simulation model combined with the latest scientific knowledge and on comprehensive needs analysis.

This survey is part of the participatory method in the context of this project in order to ensure the development of quality and relevant results and activities.
Your contribution is of utmost importance. Your participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous. No personal information such as your email address, IP address or other identifying information is collected.

Please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire in one of the following languages:

Questionnaire in GREEK

Questionnaire in MACEDONIAN

Questionnaire in ENGLISH

Questionnaire in SPANISH

Questionnaire in FRENCH

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