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Empowering Women as First Responders: The Vital Role of Women in Disaster Response Highlighted on International Women’s Da

[4/3/2024, Thessaloniki, Greece]: As the world prepares to commemorate International Women’s Day, the spotlight turns towards the indispensable contribution of women in disaster response and civil protection. Today, on the occasion of the 1rst Balkan Health & Safety at work Congress, we celebrate the courage, resilience, and expertise of women who serve on the frontlines of emergencies, both natural and man-made. Their pivotal role in safeguarding communities and saving lives cannot be overstated.

During the special session held on March 4, 2024, it has been highlighted that diverse teams are essential for effective disaster management. Women bring unique perspectives, skills, and experiences to the table, enriching emergency response efforts and enhancing community resilience. However, despite their invaluable contributions, women remain underrepresented in disaster response roles, facing barriers such as limited access to training and leadership opportunities.

The SETOFF project, a groundbreaking e-training platform designed for first responders and civil protection personnel, is committed to promoting gender equality within these critical sectors. Through innovative e-learning modules tailored to the needs of first responders and civil protection personnel, the SETOFF project aims to bridge this gender gap and empower women in emergency response. By providing accessible and inclusive training resources, SETOFF equips women with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to excel in their roles, ultimately strengthening disaster preparedness and response efforts worldwide.

“Women are often the unsung heroes of disaster response, yet their contributions are fundamental to saving lives and rebuilding communities,” said As. Professor Michail Chalaris, Scientific Coordinator of the SETOFF project. ” On International Women’s Day, we are committed to celebrate the resilience and dedication of women in emergency response while reaffirming our commitment to fostering gender equality and diversity within the sector.”

As the world faces increasingly complex and frequent disasters, harnessing the full potential of women in disaster response is more critical than ever. By investing in women’s empowerment and creating inclusive environments within the emergency management sector, we can build more resilient and sustainable communities for future generations.
Michail Chalaris concluded “on the forthcoming International Women’s Day, let us honor the courage and leadership of women first responders and civil protection personnel, and commit to breaking barriers and biases to create a safer, more equitable world for all”.

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